What now?

Food, drink and books. One often inspires the other. Together they are magic .

Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Gentleman in Moscow

I started reading this book back in October.  It was recommended by a friend on Facebook.   This review is mixed.  Overall, i really enjoyed this novel.  The writing is lovely, the main character is super interesting and the side characters also people you want to know.   But...   I had a hard time getting through it.  I didn't move fast.   Let's look at what happens...   a man, an  aristocrat,  is sentenced to house arrest for a poem he wrote in 1922.  He will spend the rest of his life at the Metropol grand hotel.  The next 30 years cover his life in the hotel and the people he meets there.   I really liked it but i would put it down for weeks at a time and then pick it up and read another 50-60 pages.  I read at least 5 books during the time I read this book.  Finally 6 months in, I finished.  I still gave it 4 stars.  The missing star is only because it should have moved faster.



the links above are to his website and a great video about the book.

I would still recommend this book to folks but tell them to enjoy the language, the character, the setting but know that is moves slowly.

On the really positive side, this book has a ton of food references.  He ends up working in the hotel restaurant , the place he always enjoyed the best dinners.   Lots and lots of food and drink references.  I googled "Food from A Gentleman in Moscow" and found this cool book page


Tonight I plan to make some food inspired by the book.  The author has published a recipe for Latvian Stew .  It sound delicious but I'm trying to cut back on all meat and the main ingredient is Pork Shoulder.   Instead I'm going to do something that is a bit Irish (it is St Patricks Day) and Russian.   Stay tuned.

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