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Food, drink and books. One often inspires the other. Together they are magic .

Saturday, August 1, 2020

the Starless Sea

I really wanted to love this book.   The Night Circus was so great!   I read it years ago and it has stuck with me all these years.   It took me a while to read this book.   While it is beautifully written, I found it confusing.  I had no idea what was going on half of the time.   Here is what i figured out; 
    Zachary Rawlins  saw a door as a kid and has been searching for it since. This story spins into a mystery.  He finds a book which appears to be about his life.  He is tracking a  woman and a man and they fall into this mysteries world.   There are pirates and princesses and love and death.   
I really couldn't tell you what happens .  I kept reading because there are some nice side stories and the language is really like poetry.   So, I gave it 3 stars.   Confusing as heck but beautiful. 
Not sure what else to say on this.   I'd say read it but I wish you luck!!